The glory days of the military uniform and the pomp and ceremony of the military had yielded to the utilitarian necessities of war and economic frugality. Most military organizations, however, have developed several different uniform types, including combat dress, working dress, walking out dress, and ceremonial full dress.
For instance, the US Marine Corps has a distinct blue dress uniform, but their regular duty uniform is in khaki, with green trousers. In other services where camouflage is normally a non-issue like navies, distinctively colored uniforms are still issued like the US Navy's white officer uniform for warm weather.
The British Army mainly retains its traditional full dress uniform only for bands and ceremonial units, with other soldiers wearing a plainer navy blue full dress uniform; walking out dress is khaki, working dress green and combat kit camouflaged, although there are many other variations.
The military of some countries have also further dressed up the combat uniforms, wearing medals with the combat terrain colored uniforms, including in shirt sleeve dress style.
