Lt. Colonel William Welch was born September 25, 1943 in Boston, Massachusetts.
He was with the 1st Brigade 101st Airborne Division from 1965-1967 in Vietnam. While in Vietnam he was the Company Executive Officer and rifle platoon leader for Company A 1/327 ABN INF and wounded in the battle
of DAK To.
In 1968 and 1969 he was a part of the 3rd Brigade 82nd Airbone Division. As Company Commander of Company C 2/503 ABN INF, S-3 Air Operations Officer was responsible for redeployment of the 3rd Brigade back to the United States.
In 1971 he was a part of the 7th Special Forces 1 Corps. A special operation lasting 3 months he was the team leader.
The highest combat Awards during this time were the Silver Star, Five Bronze Stars, and a Purple Heart.
During peace time highlights: Instructor U.S. Army Infantry School, Fort Benning Georgia; Instructor U.S. Army Ranger School at the Florida Ranger School in Fort Walton Beach, Florida; Operations Officer U.S. Army Ranger Department in Fort Benning, Georgia; Intelligence Officer, Company Commander, Operations Officer, Battalion Executive Officer and Battalion Commander of the 4th Battalion 6th Infantry U.S. Army Berlin Brigade, Berlin Germany
He earned the following medals during his service; Vietnam Service Medal, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm, Vietnam Gallantry Cross with SS, Vietnam Jump Wings, Master Parachute Badge, Senior Parachute Badge, Parachute Badge, Ranger Tab, Combat Infantry Badge, Meritorious Unit Commendation, Presidential Unit Citation, Valorous Unit Award, Army Service Ribbon, and Overseas Service Ribbon.
He retired January 1, 1983.
