Major General Charles Wing's military career began in Newcastle when he enlisted in the Wyoming Army National Guard in October, 1949 as a private. He recieved an ROTC commission as a Second Lieutenant in 1954 upon graduating from the University of Wyoming. Wing served on active duty for approximately 3-1/2 years. His active duty service included two years in West Germany with the 6th Armored Cavalry Regiment (6th ACR) and the 1st Battalion, 78th Field Artillery, 2nd Armored Division during the Cold War (1955-1957). Wing's primary active duty assignment was an Army Aviator.
Wing rejoined the Wyoming National Guard in 1958 serving continuously until his retirement on January 8, 1995. Wing was appointed as Adjutant General in 1987. He served in this capacity for approximately eight years emphasizing training, readiness, securing new facilities, and the improvement of the modern equipment at the Lieutenant General R.L. Esmay Training Center, Camp Guernsey.
His awards and decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, and the Army Commendation Medal. Department of Defense Badge, Master Aviator Badge, Expert Marksmanship Badge (with pistol clasps). He also received the Medal of Excellence from the Wyoming National Guard Association.
